Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cutting Classes Is Counter-Productive

Jan. 30,2010
Cutting Classes Is Counter-Productive
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr,

The recent decision of DepEd Secretary Jesli Lapus to cut the hours of classes in all public schools nationwide due to overpopulation is not at all the correct solution.. His measure, however, is contrary to logic to the current overpopulation of students in the elementary and high school. In fact the overpopulation of public schools in 2 levels of learning is a success to Sir Lapus’ desire that Filipino children should be in school.
The proper solution to overpopulation is to build additional school buildings in every province of the nation. The huge funds for the construction of school buildings or class rooms in the whole country should be included in the yearly national budget.. While waiting for the additional class rooms, our DepEd officials have to make do first with makeshift classrooms. With permits from barangay officials, barangay covered courts, some unused buildings and vacant lots can be used as temporary venues where chairs can be placed for holding classes.
Our elementary and high school teachers must also encourage and persuade those whom they know to be bright students in their respective classes to take up education. One of the ways to develop the love for teaching is for teachers to inculcate in the minds of their students the nobleness of becoming teachers in public schools and state universities. Salaries and allowances for teachers should also be adjusted for increases according to their positions and ranks.
When I was a student in the elementary and high school in Ozamis City (my second home) every subject was taught for fourty five minutes. Whether the subject is English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Social Studies/History, Pilipino, Economics or Geometry. Any subject that is taught for less than 45 minutes is sub-standard and inefficient, particularly for slow learners.
However, I would like to suggest that every subject in the elementary and high school should be taught for at least one hour in every session. The suggested duration of the learning process for every subject should not be reduced. This is the ideal length of time in teaching a subject, beneficial to both the average students and the slow learners in the two levels. Students should also be encouraged to ask questions to their teachers if the topic or topics being discussed are not clear to them.Why. Because there are teachers who seem to be contended in teaching but without taking into consideration how their students have fared in their classes. It would be unproductive if some students who do not understand the topics discussed in classes were left on their own and were groping for clarification to their unexpressed questions.
The one-hour lecture/discussion of every subject should be made as the standard teaching policy in all public schools in the elementary and secondary school.Nevertheless,in State universities the teaching of each subject would of course differ in hours, depending upon the college subjects being taught by the professors.
Again, reducing the length of one hour learning process in every subject is not at all the solution to the present overpopulation of students in public schools. Instead it will make our young students low performers in their academic activities. Also, it will not make them competitive as those who have received adequate learning time from their mentors/instructors. Rather it is a counterproductive approach that will badly affect the proper and effective acquisition of adequate knowledge and skills among the entire studentry in our country. (Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

DE,ERC Must Quit Its Dangerous Policy Of Constructing Coal-Fired Power Plants

Jan. 30,2010
The Dept. Of Energy, ERC Must Quit Its Dangerous Policy Of Constructing Coal-Fired Power Plants
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines-I’m wondering why the Dept of Energy or the Energy Regulatory Commission would allow the construction of coal-fired power plants near the residential areas in the country, particulary now that there is a global shortage of coal according to reports.
Is the head of the Dept. of Energy and that of ERC do not know that there exists a law called the Clean Air Act of 1999? If these 2 offices do not know yet anything about this new law, they should ask the Department Of Environment and Natural Resources. According to the report that I’ve read DENR did not publish the enforcement rules of the Clean Air Act of 1999. Why?
Do the Energy office personnel have forgotten that there’s already a global warming affecting us all? Global warming is a poignant reality that hurts us all which is principally caused by heavy pollution emitted from hundreds and thousands of vehicles,factories,chemical industries, power plants all over the world that use fossil fuels in its operations, Not to mention garbage, plastic and chemical wastes dumped in rivers and landfills in various countries of the world. The current global warming has also caused the abnormal weather condition that we have experienced nowadays. Because of global warming, Scientists reported, that glaciers and icebergs in some cold regions of the earth are gradually melting. Scientists predicted it may cause floods in some areas or even submerge small islands if global warming will continue unabated.
Why should our officials concerned who are supposed to be knowledgeable about the new Clean Air Act of 1999 wants to add pollution to our already polluted environment by allowing the continued construction of coal-fired power plants in the country? God forbid! As protectors of the environment the DENR must oppose to the Energy Dept’s dangerous policy. If the Dept. of Health is really concern with the health of our people-rich and poor-its head including its Board of Directors must also oppose now the move for the realization of such dangerous project before it’s too late.
According to a report from the US Environmental Protection Agency coal-fired power plants account for most of the pollutants emitted by the power industry in the United States. Coal –fired power plants emit 93% of the nitrogen oxide, 96% of the sulphur oxide, 88% of the carbon dioxide and 99% of the mercury emissions that pollute the air. One can just imagine the high percentage of pollution and health hazards pose by the coal-fired power plants to the residents within the surrounding vicinity where it is constructed.
This revealed findings from the scientific and health-minded people is enough for all concerned mankind and the health-conscious individuals, who are going to reside in residential areas where there would be a coal-fired power plants, to shudder in fear for their life. WE really need a Head or an Energy Commissioner who has the heart and mind of an environmentalist and has the great intent to give priority to the health and welfare of the people he serves, before making considerations to a proposed project that would badly affect our environment.
Another report disclosed that the expansion of coal-fired power plants in the Philippines has shot up to over 2,000 megawatts, while the renewable energy projects so far only reached up to less than 100MW. What a great ironic twist in the way the government is considering the health and well-being of its people and its approach in the choice of a cleaner fuel? In a report it was revealed that the Philippines rely on 94 percent import of its crude oil needs. Records also show that oil imports in 2006 had reached a whopping $6.8 billion. If our government can tap our own renewable sources of energy, then we don’t have to rely on imported fossil fuels and can save a big amount of money from our coffers.
The Dept of Energy, Energy Regulatory Commission and the Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources must concede to the demands from the Representatives of the people who know the adverse effect of using coal. The Dept. of Health and other concerned government agencies including the environmentalist groups should also joint efforts to avoid any move by some high government officials in utilizing an energy provider that is very, very pollutant.
Do these government agencies’ honchos have also forgotten that the Philippines has several inactive/dormant volcanoes waiting to be tapped as a potential sources of geothermal energy? According to some knowledgeable people geothermal energy is one of the cleanest and cheapest sources of energy. Why not tap other undeveloped geothermal deposits we have in the country? Why should we continue to use coal and crude oil that are now very expensive and are pollutants?
In an editorial piece of a popular Manila tabloid in its May 2008 issue, it describes coal as the most plentiful but the dirtiest fossil fuel that will harm the environment and the health of the citizens. It said that the aforementioned greenhouse gases it emitted will cause climate warming. Thus it will greatly contribute to the worsening of the global warming that we have now experiencing, particular during sunny days. Because of coal’s alarming hazard to both the environment and the health of the people, two environmentalist Senators
Pia Cayetano and Juan Miguel Zubiri said that “if we are to promote an energy revolution in Southeast Asia and the Pacific to stop climate change and global warming (caused by heavy pollution on earth), then let’s phase out all our existing coal-fired power plants in the country run on dirty and expensive coal”.
With the bad effect of pollutants to the health of millions of Filipinos coming from coal, the government and the private sector must shun using this pollutant energy. Both sectors must likewise muster its political will to greatly reduce the usage on gasoline/crude oil as the country’s contribution to the reduction of global warming now affecting countries all over the world.
Since the avoidance of using pollutant coal to produce power for electricity is not only the concern of the Philippines but also of other nations of the world, other Governments and leaders worldwide should therefore decide in equal footing and concerted efforts to really achieve our common and global objective of healing our deteriorating and debilitating environment condition caused by man’s carefree attitude towards our one and only ecology. This means that all nations on Earth must now start shifting to using alternative fuels like biofuel, hydro power, wind power, solar power, electric jeepneys, electric buses, geothermal energy and deuterium deposits. (Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.,)

SP Approves P305,462,976.00 Budget For Maasin City

Jan. 30,2010
SP Approves P305, 462,976.00 Budgets For Maasin City
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-The Sangguniang Panglunsod of the City of Maasin has approved during their recent session its annual budget for the current year 2010 to the tune of P305, 462,976.00.
Another budget being approved was in the amount of P15, 253,839.86 for economic enterprise of the city government. This kind of business covers the operations of the old and new public market, bus terminal and slaughterhouse.
The documents showed that the sources of the general fund for this year’s budget were from interest income and tax revenue collected by the city government offices during the previous year.
The total incomes of the two kinds of collections were equal to the budget allocated by the members of the City Board .It was likewise approved by Mayor Maloney Samaco.
The same went true also to the sources of funds for the economic enterprise annual budget for the small city, which were the market, bus terminal and slaughterhouse operations.
According to the records the P305M plus budget will be used for the city government’s various and miscellaneous operations for the whole year. It was divided into 2 mass groups. Like personal services which constitute 22 specific items and the special purpose appropriation that has a total of 30 items.
Its personal services have a total budget of P34, 966,725.69.Five of these kind of services have the bigger funds compared to the rest of the 18 others.1) Traveling expenses for officials and heads of city hall offices-
P7,350,000.00; 2)Life/Insurance Retirement contribiutions-P7,343,568.00; 3)Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants expenses-P3,450,000.00; 4)Office Supplies expenses-P3,040,000.00; 5)Electricity expenses-P3,030,000.00.
On the other hand, its special purpose appropriation has covered a total of 30 items. The total amount of budget for the city government’s second group of services/appropriation is P152,496,250.31.Of these numbers, 5 have bigger funds.1)20% Economic Development Fund-P54,341,671.20; 2)Bank Loan Amortization for 2009-P28M; 3)5% calamity fulnd-P15,387,290.30; 4)City Priority Projects-P10,053,362.95; 5)Budgetary support for Maasin City College-P5M.
Among them are PHILHEATH program for indigents,Maasin City Investment, Tourism and Promotion Progam;MC Peoples Law Enforcement Board, city counterparts for barangay priority projects, employees incentives award system, aid to barangay Day Care Program, aid to the office of the senior citizens program, aid to various entities, aid to barangay development funds, counterpart for nutrition program,Maasin anti-drug program,lumpsum appropriation for drugs and medicines; Regional Drug and Rehabilitation Center, others.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Junio Says Smartmatic Is Not Vulnerable To Election Stupidity

Jan. 30,2010
Junio Says Smartmatic Is Not Vulnerable To Election Stupidity
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-Is the common allegation, among some losing candidates during elections that fraud and cheating were allegedly committed, can totally be erased with the change in the voting system to computerization or automation? Can the claim Manila-programmed and configured computers that are going to be used in the upcoming national elections be tampered for re-programming and re-configuring by the computer experts in different places where elections are to be held under the alleged connivance in favor of any high ranking government officials who seek for re-elections?
Provincial assistance COMELEC officer Reuel Junio explained that the Smartmatic company has an independent connections not connected to any person or group with vested interest. “The computerization voting is not vulnerable to fraud and cheating since the computers to be used cannot be re-programmed or re-configured by just anybody who is skilled in computer operations”, he said.”Smartmatic will not gamble any kind of stupidity that will damage its reputation. The company whose main base is in Argentina has branches in Europe, Latin America, and USA that earns billions of dollars. It will not swap its good image to connive in committing fraud or cheating in the upcoming elections on May 10, 2010 by any re-electionist high ranking government official who has the clot with the current administration.”
He implied any aspiring candidate in the coming national elections either for president, senator, congressman or mayor should not imagine for themselves in fear or apprehension that fraud and cheating would be committed during the first ever held computer automation elections this coming May 10, 2010.
On the other hand, he said that the total number of voters in Maasin City alone at present, old and new, is 50,095 including new registrants.
He informed that the filing of certificates of candidacies has started November 20 and will end on Dec.1, 2009 at midnight.
He urged interesting and aspiring candidates for any government positions to file his/her certificate of candidacy as soon as possible. “They should not wait for the deadline when potential candidates would be crowding inside the COMELC offices”, he said.
Junio clarified that next year’s national elections cannot be postponed by any Congressional degree or resolution because the date itself in holding the scheduled elections is a constitutional mandate. “Only an amendment of the 1987 Constitution can change its schedule”, he said.
However, he pointed out that barangay elections are statutory and that its schedule can be changed if there’s a need for the postponement.
He further informed that next year’s national elections will involve the Presidency and its Vice, Senators, Congressmen, municipal and city Mayors.Barangay elections, on the other hand, has no schedule yet and its election schedule can be changed,Junio reiterated.
When asked about the total number of voters including the new registrants, he said that at present his office is still gathering some data send by election officers in different municipalities of the province. They are still in the process of consolidating all the data sent to them with only 2 municipalities that have not yet send their total voters list.
He said that most probably, the 2 municipalities which he did not mention its names will send theirs the following day or the next and that in less than 2 weeks time any media entity can get the total number of voters provincewide.”We have to re-check the data sent to us before releasing it to the media”, the assistant COMELEC officer said.
He added that COMELEC shall be sending its election results on May 10,2010 thru the telecom companies like Globe, Smart, Sun and the talk and text messages.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Fourty Five Candidates File Their CoCs

Jan. 30,2010
Fourty Five Candidates File CoCs
Vice Mayor Effie Abiera Running Unopposed
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-As the deadline for the filing of Certificates of Candidacies has drawn to a close on December 2, 2009 the lists of aspiring candidates comprising the re-electionists in the province and in the capital city has revealed that re-electionist Vice-Mayor Effie Lamoste Abiera is running unopposed. She is the daughter of naturalist-artist Salvador “Boy” Abiera, the undefeated third termer councilor who is also an architect by profession.
Early filers at the COMELEC provincial office were: first-Board Member aspirant Gaspar V. Tagalo on Nov. 25,2009;second-re-electionist Congressman Roger G. Mercado on Nov. 28,2009 and the third-Congressional aspirant Jeffrey J. Roden on Nov. 30,2009.
A total of 45 candidates composing the re-electionists and newcomers in the provincial and city positions have flocked to the 2 COMELEC offices here in various hours of arrival since the filing of CoCs has started.
In the provincial level there are a total of 23 candidates. Four for the provincial position of a representative including re-electionist Roger G. Mercado (LAKAS).The 3 others are: Aniceto G. Saludo,Jr,(Puersa Ng Masang Pilipino); Jeffrey J.Roden(Independent); Vicente A. Geraldo(Independent).
Three are running for the position of Governor including the re-electionist Damian G. Mercado.1)Marisa Y. Lerias(National Peoples Coalition); 2)Jerome J. Roden(Independent).
For Vice-Governor:1)re-electionist Vice-Governor Miguel Maamo,11(LAKAS);2)Reuel V.Dumancas(Independent).
There are 6 re-electionists for SP members all from LAKAS and 9 newcomers for the same position constituting various party affiliations like the LAKAS, Independent, NPC and PMP.
Here in this new small city, LAKAS re-electionist, Mayor Maloney Samaco has an opposition in the person of former third-termer Governor Rosette Yñiguez Lerias of the National Peoples Coalition.
There are 8 re-electionists for the City Councilors and a newcomer Romeo R. Geniston joining the LAKAS group.
However, there are 10 newcomers under the National Peoples Coalition vying for the position of City Councilors. There are also 2 other Independent candidates running for the same position.
In an interview with Election Officer 2 Lawrence Irman Gelsano he said that submission of programs of government or their reforms or platforms of government is not required from among the aspiring candidates who filled up their CoCs for the coming May 10,2010 elections.
“Programs of government or reforms of each candidates running for any position in the government is not required”, he said, “It’s up to them to formulate their respective agenda or reforms during their campaign period”
Regarding the limitations of funds for expenditures during the election campaign among the aspiring candidate he said there’s no resolution yet send by the COMELEC Manila office.
Gelsano said that if they will receive a COMELEC resolution about the limiting of funds for the campaign sorties they will inform all the qualified candidates.
He said resolution on the limitation of campaign funds will also be published in several national newspapers, including the radio and TV stations before the start of the campaign period.
The Election Officer further informed that the start for the campaign period for the national elections is on Feb. 9 up to May 8, 2010. While for the local elections is on March 26 up to May 8, 2010.
Moreover, Provincial Assistant Election Officer Reuel Junio divulged that there are a total of 247,598 voters (old and new) in the entire province of Southern Leyte. With the COMELEC’s one week extension intended for the late registrant voters during the last week of December, to give chance to those who have failed, there was an additional of 660,thus adding a total number of 907,598 voters.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Young Woman's Shoulder Broken In Motorcycle Accident

Jan. 30,2010
Young Woman’s Shoulder Broken In Motorcycle Accident
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-A young lady who rode on a motorcycle driven by her classmate broke her right shoulder when the motorcycle accidentally crashed somewhere in brgy. Pugaling, this city.
The victim was identified as Jessa Paderes Yuson,18 years old, and a resident of brgy. Mambajao.She sustained a fractured shoulder as x-ray result revealed. She has a wound on her right knee A.hematoma on her upper left arm and a wound on her elbow.
The driver was identified as Cris Laurena Maurel, 20 years old, also a resident of brgy.Mambajao.He suffered from a back pain, but choose not to be hospitalized. He was convinced he has no fracture and went to a herbolario to massage his painful back
Another backrider was identified as Ethel Jubay Paderes, 20 years old and living in the same barangay.She was the first cousin of the victim. She has some bruises on her face but hospital confinement is unnecessary for her case. She has no fractured bone
Yuson disclosed that the three of them were classmates as first year students at the Southern Leyte Business College (formerly Southern Leyte Computer Institute) located in the heart of the city.
In an interview with LSDE the victim she said that during the recent Saturday evening at past eight they have decided to visit some of their classmates living in the proper town of Macrohon,about 15 kilometers away from Maasin.
She said that she and several of her classmates have agreed to go to one of the beach resorts here the following day for a leisurely bath at the sea.
However, they did not go home right away after their agreement. They while away the hours by talking and conversing with their classmates and exchanged pleasantries until 12:00 midnight
As they went home she was already sleepy while her male classmate who drove the motorcycle was already drunk when they drove to Macrohon, she said. She claimed they did not engage in a drinking spree while in Macrohon, as is a common observation nowadays among young students who blindly imitated the adults who drink intoxicating liquors.
Likewise, she was also suspecting that her driver-classmate was already sleepy like her when they drove home to Mambajao, the reason why they accidentally crashed either in brgy. Ichon or brgy. Pacu.
When asked specifically which one of the 2 barangays she was mentioning was the right place of the accident, she said she cannot give an specific answer because she was very sleepy on their way home. And that during the accident she was unconscious.
She said when she regained her consciousness she was already at the emergency room together with her 2 other classmates.
She said she was informed that a nurse who was to report for duty at that moment was the one who brought her to the provincial hospital for treatment.
In answer to my query her first cousin Ethel said that the motorcycle they were riding on had crashed in brgy Pugaling near the Rich Beach Resort. She claimed the motorcycle did not collide or ram any vehicle along the way. Although according to the victim the motorcycle was badly damage.
She implied the crash was the result of a drunken driver driving on a sleepy mode.
Resident physician Dr. Elpidio Sibud, an orthopedic surgeon, who was the attending physician, advised the victim’s parents (who came all the way from faraway San Francisco town) that the only effective solution to the condition of their daughter is a bone surgery.
Nevertheless, the victim intimated that the stainless steel as a support base for her fractured shoulder is very expensive. She confessed her parents can hardly afford for the price and that they still have to look for financial assistance from their relatives.
However, several days later, Dr. Sibud had operated on the victim’s fractured right shoulder since her parents were able to get financial assistance from their relatives for the purchase of the stainless steel.
(Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

Friday, January 29, 2010

DOH Regional Office Declares Southern Leyte As Filariasis-Free

Jan. 29,2010
DOH Regional Office Declares Southern Leyte As Filariasis-Free
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-The Dept. of Health, regional office in Tacloban City, has recently declared the province of Southern Leyte as filariasis-free after the continual seven years (2000-2007) preventive annual mass treatment was completed in the entire province led by Rural Health Unit physician Dr. Francelisa I. Tan.
Dr. Noel Lumen, IPHO’s Provincial Health Officer 2 disclosed that before the DOH-RO’s aforesaid declaration, a Regional Filariasis Team has conducted another random blood sampling extractions preferably to a total of 3,000 children ages from 6 to 7 years old in various municipalities of the province in May 2008.This is to see if there’s still a positive indication of the dreaded disease. Those children subjected to the random blood samplings were living in areas where their elders were the first to undergone similar blood sampling for laboratory exams. The Regional Filariasis team, however, found the blood smear examinations from the children to be negative.
When queried why the Regional Filariasis Team has preferred to extract blood samplings from the children instead of the adults, Lumen quoting the DOH-RO FT statement, explained:”At the start of the seven-year duration of preventive mass treatment of filariasis in Maasin and in the entire province, these children (referring to those subjected to random blood samplings) were still 1 to 2 years old, whose age are susceptible to filariasis infection. The negative result of blood smears laboratory examination means that the conduct of yearly filariasis mass treatment was effective.However, there’s still the need for the people in the endemic areas to be alert about the disease.”
Blood Samplings
Earlier,Dr. Tan disclosed that Maasin was chosen in 1999 as the pilot area for the detection on the existence of filariasis disease. She said the local filariasis team chose to take blood samples of barangay folks whose areas were found to have abaca and banana plantations..
The physician revealed that blood smears from some chosen barangay inhabitants, were preferably taken during the night time because filariasis parasitic worms were clearly visible in blood. “WE choose to take blood samples of folks during the night because the blood contents more oxygen at this period than in daytime”, she unfolded. “Daytime blood examination will not reveal the presence of filariasis”, she said.
Barangays involved in the program included Matin-ao, Gawisan and some of Maasin’s neighboring hinterland barangays that have some abaca, banana, gabi and pandan plantations.
Mass Treatment
Provincial Filariasis Coordinator Celestial Francisco Plateros, Medtech 3 of the Integrated Health Provincial Office (IPHO) intimated that in 2000, after the blood samples were found to be positive of the thread-like parasitic worms, mass treatment was conducted in the entire province until the end of 2007.
Although in the blood examination there was only less than 15 percent that were infliction with filariasis, it was learned, the coverage of treatment was the entirety of a certain municipality and the province.
Plateros explained that whether filariasis infection in a certain barangay or barangays were above or less than what they’ve expected, the entire population of all barangays under a municipality will undergo mass treatment.
Likewise, if one municipality in a certain province like Southern Leyte has a manifestation of filariasis infection, the whole province will also undergo mass filariasis treatment.
The IPHO Medtech said that the abovementioned plants were the habitat of the filariasis-carrier mosquitoes called aedes poicillius.These night-biting mosquitoes, she said, will be transmitting the thread-like filariasis parasitic worms to its victims during the night to those whom they’ve bitten.
She advised that as a form of prevention, people living in the areas where there are abacas,bananas,gabi and pandan plantations, must start wearing long pants and long sleeves shirts at 5:00 p.m. and to use mosquito nets and insect repellants during sleeping time.
Endemic Disease
Dr. Lumen also divulged that filariasis is endemic in Southern Leyte, Davao, Bukidnon, Sorsogon, Bicol and in some regions, affecting more than 50% of the country’s provinces. It was learned that filariasis known as “Elephantiasis” is a chronic parasitic infection that put at risk more than One Million people in 73 countries including the Philippines. The disease is caused by thread-like parasitic filarial worms, which lodge in the nodes and vessels of the lymphatic system. These worms live for about 10 years producing millions of immature microfilariae that circulate in the blood.
Plateros explained that the convergence of filarial parasitic worms in the lymphatic system have served as a blockade in the normal circulation of the blood, the reason why some people’s legs and other parts of their bodies afflicted by filariasis were having an edema or abnormal growth.
Some early symptoms of filariasis disease are fever, chylous urine (buot ipasabot pariho sa kolor sa kinilis sa bugas), headache. For those who have advanced infection of filariasis are edemas either in feet, legs, hands, arms, and the genital organs of both male and female.

According to our source the mode of treatment for those who were afflicted with filariasis is a regular taking of two kinds of medicines (Diethyl Carbamazine and Abbendazale) for 2 weeks or more, depending upon the condition of patients. Aside from this process,re-examination of the patients’ blood smears are also to be conducted to see if these patients still need further treatment for complete healing. Nevertheless, the formation of the patients’ deformities on different parts of their bodies can no longer be vanished and will remain as the patients’indeligible stigmatic mark, except perhaps by some kind of operations.
Nonetheless, people afflicted with filariasis should avoid taking the aforesaid medicines for self-medication. They should first consult a physician in their respective places for the right doses to take as the prerequisite for effective and proper treatment.
Plateros further divulged that according to information that she has gathered the thread-like parasitic filarial worms are found in some animals in Africa, where the disease was first discovered and spread to other countries “When the mosquitoes like aedes poicillius will bite infected animals or persons with filariasis, it becomes its carrier and would be transmitted to some people who will be bitten by them, thus there’s an inevitable spread of the disease”, she added.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

PHILHEATH To Provide AT Least 85% Universal Coverage Among 90M Filipinos By The Current Year

PhilHealth Aims To Provide Universal Coverage Of At Least 85% Of The 90M Filipinos By The Current Year
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr,

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-The National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) or in short PhilHealth with its current theme:”Kalusugan ng lahat,PhilHealth ang katapat” has aimed to provide a universal coverage of at least 85% of the entire 90M Filipinos by the current year 2010.
This was the disclosure of Dr. Elizabeth S. Fernandez, PhilHealth regional office Vice-President during the 14th year anniversary celebration since it establishment on Feb. 14, 1995 held recently at Supercha Restaurant here.
She admitted however that PhilHealth ‘s goal cannot be achieved without the help of various stakeholders and sectors of society like the government agencies, private companies, financial institutions,LGUs,professional institutional health care providers, private sponsors, accredited collecting parners,the international communities(for loans and grants providing technical assistance and capacity modules to help strengthen human capital infrastructure), Congress for the enactment of health laws for its members, and the local media.

National, Regional Achievements
Fernandez disclosed that in the national level PhilHealth has already covered 76% of the 90M population which translate in figures to 60M as of December 2008.She said that the employed sector has the highest level of coverage of 34%,18% private sector, 12% OFWs, 11% self-employed, and 1% non-paying members.
In the regional level, membership has reached 60%,which if translated into figures is 4.2M.She claimed that in region 8(Leyte and Samar) an additional membership of 2.5 M,which in percentage is 2.5% is all it needs to achieve the level of a universal coverage by 2010.
PhilHealth has likewise released funds for the health benefit, she said, to hospitalized members of P8.6M in 2006 and another P16.5M from January up to November 2008.
The provinces that lead in PhilHealth membership are Biliran, Eastern Samar, Leyte, Southern Leyte, Northern Samar and Western Samar.
On the other hand, Maasin branch office has achieved 65% of its target in getting membership of 5,548 as of December 2008.It was also learned that there are 1,500 PhilHealth –accredited hospitals nationwide.

Various Strategies
The regional Vice-President further revealed that PhilHealth Universal Coverage has outlined various strategies and approaches to achieve their goal of attaining the 85% membership among the entire Filipino population. Some of these are the following:1)Reach, Build and Achieve(self-explanatory);2)Express it from the heart-putting up billboards in strategic locations bearing health messages’3)Connect Thru Technology-text/online promotion messages;4)PhilHealth Social Networking-entice every accredited sponsors in different companies,institutions,etc to subsidize indigent memberhip;5)Increase Service System-giving awards thru gifts/ certificates as a special present to indigent birthday celebrants;6)Health Group Builders- organizing group formations to gather/recruit at least 25 persons to become PhilHealth members reciprocated with discounts in premium remittances as rewards;7)PhilHealth Working as a Team-(Self-explanatory;8)Providing awards for the efficiency in submitting reports and remittances for the office’s/company’s members.

Awarding Ceremony
Misael F. Paigan, PhilHealth Chief Maasin Service Office, informed that their office is also giving framed certificates of appreciation/recognition to partner-stakeholders who were prompt in submitting reports and remittances from their respective members.
1)Best Employer: A)DENR-PENRO(NGA level)-Ranulfo Q. Arbiol,PENR Officer and his colleagues Maggie and Perla;2)St.Bernard LGU(NGA level)-Mayor Rico C. Rentuza represented by his secretary Liza Federacion;3)St. Joseph College(Private sector)-Executive Vice-President Crispin D.Arong,Sr.represented by Mary Lou C. Tiempo;4)National Statistics Office-Lourdes Orito Kionisala-most active friends of PhilHealth volunteers;5)Hinunangan-LGU- Mayor Romeo M. Gomez(municipal level)-achieving more than 100%(2,353 indigent individuals) PhilHealth membership of the municipality’s indigent population;6)Provincial Level-Governor Damian G. Mercado represented by Dodi Fernandez of the Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council
Office; 7) Special award-Land Bank Philippines Branch Manager Regorberto G. Mondoy

Positive Reactions
In his speech Mayor Gomez, a former RTC Judge here, confided that thru PhilHealth he was able to have his 2 eyes operated on 2 times due to severe blurriness. He divulged some of his friends and acquaintances were surprised to see him no longer wearing his graded eyeglasses. He said he made a curt reply saying ‘because of PhilHealth”.

In another occasion other group of familiar people was likewise astonished to see him, he intimated, not wearing his usual graded eyeglasses anymore. He said he made a short reply saying “because of the wonders of PhilHealth”.
He implied without PhilHealth he might still be suffering from a blurry vision which prompted him to be always wearing graded eyeglasses until now.
The experience, it was learned, has inspired him to sponsor indigency program for PhilHealth membership in his municipality’s constituents covering 2,353 indigent individuals by setting aside part of the LGU funds.
Another awardee-recipient Dodi Fernandez confessed that the indigency sponsorship done by the provincial government thru the incumbent Governor was inspired by their Bukidnon visit. He unfolded that Bukidnon has the best health program with 3 tertiary hospitals catering to PhilHealth members.
He informed that health program is the number 7 in the provincial government’s priority agenda. He said the first group of subsidized recipients for indigency program was the Barangy Health Workers.
LB Manager Mondoy also expressed his appreciation of PhilHealth’s recognition to the bank’s effort in collecting premiums among its members and thanked the latter for making Land Bank their choice.
Moreover, the PhilHealth regional Vice-President admonished hospitalized members to make things clear with their attending private physicians if they have signed waivers. If indeed they did because they have already received fees for their patients’services, then the benefit will go to them (the patients).And they have the right to claim their respective benefits after hospitalization.
When asked why PhilHealth is selective in making reimbursements of prescribed medicines from hospitalized members-patients, Dr. Fernandez explained that the selective way of reimbursing the prescribed medicines for the patients is based on the list of quality medicines provided by the Philippine National Drug. (Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

Colonial Policy Is The Root Cause Of Crab Mentality Among Some Filipinos-Esquerra

Jan. 29,2010
Colonial Policy Is The Root Cause Of Crab Mentality Among Some Filipinos-Esguerra
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-Harsh colonial policy during the Spanish colonization of almost 400 years is the root cause of crab mentality among some of the Filipinos.
This was the revelation of Dr. Ted Esguerra, Expedition doctor of the Everest Team during a recent press conference here in this nine-year-old city held at the City Hall’s Sangguniang Panglunsod session hall. The team has had reached the highest mountain’s summit of 29,025 feet above sea level after three months of grueling ascension and finally planted the Philippine flag on May 17, 2006 by one of its members by the name of Leo Oracion.
“It was in the final few trudge up in the summit that Oracion was near exhaustion and collapse but he persevered and he made it”, said Expedition leader Arturo Valdez who is also the “weatherman” of the team.
The findings of Dr.Esguerra were the result of “fragmented history” he knew from Filipino historians, researchers and scholars who have conducted an intensive research of our past.
He stressed that our ancestors are, brave, daring, regal who love music, drama and dancing.
Esguerra quoting a saying in Tagalog, said:”Ang hindi marinong lumingon sa kanilang pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa kanilang patutungohan”.(Those who have no wisdom to look back at their origin(past) cannot reach their respective pinnacles of destination.)
He said that before Magellan came to the Philippines our ancestors already knew to speak Latin and Spanish. Before the Chinese came to the Philippines they have already reached China engaging in trade.” Long before Magellan and his men came to the Philippines”, he said, “an Indo-Malay race by the name of Enrique D. Malaca had already circumnavigated the world and was the first to get the first world title and not Pacquiao”.
He claimed that during the Spanish period some of our ancestors escaped from the harsh colonizers using their Balangay boats in search for places to settle. “This is where the word barangay was derived”, he said.
He said the aforesaid boat sans outriggers were able to traverse and cross the Pacific Ocean. Some of them have reached as far as Madagascar, South Africa and in Eastern Island at the back of New Zealand. “In Madagascar we can see the inhabitants who have similar physical feature and complexion with that of the Filipinos”, he said.
Based on the fragmented history, it was in 320 A.D. that our forefathers started constructing Balangay boats of different sizes. As in the Pigafetta’s diary, he said, he mentioned that some of these boats have 100 rowers on one side used most probably as war boats.
It was also learned that the Vikings started building boats only in 325 A.D. and that the Chinese started theirs during the 12th century. “So we can say that our forefathers (ancestors) are more advance than the Vikings and the Chinese”, he said.
Asked how were they able to know about the existence of the Balangay boats, he confided that it was the treasure hunters from Butuan who have discovered such kind of boat.
Esguerra said that it was confirmed by some geologists that there are 9 of it(Balangay boats) buried in the depths of the earth in Butuan, but only 2 of it were excavated. One was in exhibit at the Museum in Butuan and the other was exhibited at the Museum of the National Historical Institute in Metro Manila.
The 7 others will remain unearth until such time that the government thru the National Historical Institute could have the huge amount of money for its excavation and extraction works, he said.
Moeover,our source informed that the discovery of these huge boats without outriggers has led to the extensive research among Filipino historians,researchers,geologists and scholars on our past.
Nevertheless, one of the reasons why majority of the Filipinos did not know anything about our ancestors, he said, was because during the Spanish regime some books, records and other materials that could serve as references to dig our past were burned and destroyed.
It was also divulged that the practice of martial arts of our ancestors was ordered stop by the colonizers.Balangay boat builders were also allegedly killed to prevent them from passing their skills to their children and their descendants. “Since our ancestors love music, drama and dancing”, Valdez’s colleague revealed, “they were recruited as members of the zarzuelas who would perform in some social gatherings and in public presentations during important events”.
The expedition leader further informed that the Balangay boat they are currently using in their nationwide expedition was a replica of the original. He said that it’s important that the new generation of youth will know who our ancestors are during their time. He reiterated what he had said earlier: “Our forefathers are brave, daring, regal who love music, drama and dancing... It is important that the youth will see it again.”
Esguerra also confided that on their climb up the Mt.Everest they used ordinary clothes and their needs are minimal. He said they have adopted and practiced the bayanihan spirit. They helped each other and have the division of labor as they continue their ascent which lasted for three months. “WE also eat together and sleep together”, he said.
Valdez also said that in every place they have visited in the course of their Balangay boat expedition they always talk to the students. They usually revealed to them the fragmented history about our ancestors whom they must look back to know who we really are. “However, when they Spaniards came to colonize our country, our true character was erased”, he said.
During their visit here they have delivered lectures on the bad effects of illegal drugs, inculcation of the bayanihan spirit that needs to be a part of the Filipinos everyday life, preservation and protection of the environment to the Maasin City College students.
It was further learned that the Everest Team was about to receive awards from the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation. Nonetheless, because of too many requirements to be submitted, they chose to disregard it.
When asked about the exact size of the Balangay boat that docked at the reclamation area’s Inland River leading to the sea, expedition leader Valdez has given the following measurement: length-18 meters; width-3.2 meters; buoyancy without load-2.5 meters to 13 feet; when loaded-18 to 24 inches; capacity-30 persons.
Esguerra added that what they have accomplished by reaching the summit of Mt.Everest can also be done by any idealistic and determined Filipino. He disclosed that the following year 2007 a group of Filipinas have also made it to the top of Mt.Everest.
Person comprising those who have joined the Balangay boat christened as “Diwata Ng Lahi” Expedition were the following:
A) Everest Team: Arturo Valdez (Expedition leader and the “weatherman” of the group),Dr. Ted Esguerra(Expedition doctor),Pastor Emata,Janet Sardena,Carina Dayondon and Fred Jamili.Purificacion did not join the expedition.
B) Butuan delegate: Toto Calo, John Manginsay, Nikko Calo, and Ato Raypon.
C) Coast Guards: JP Rodriguez, Rey Godoy and Ogie Ojano.
D) Navy Seals: Runnel Santelices, Pedro Punongbayan, Mike Layola and Jovit Javellanosa.
The Balangay boat expedition led by the Everest Team was supported by the Dept. of Agriculture, DENR, DepEd, BFAR, Philippine Coast Guard, Jollibee, Dept of Tourism and DOTC.(Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

City Govt. Donates 1,200 Sq.M. Lot And P1M Financial Assistance To MCSDO

Jan. 2010
City Govt. Donates 1,200 Sq. M.Lot And P1M Financial Assistance To MCSDO
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-Mayor Maloney Samaco, on behalf of the City Government, has donated 1,200 square meter lot and P1M financial assistance to the new Maasin City School Division Office located at the new reclamation are in brgy.Combado, this city.
This was the disclosure of Mayor Samaco in his short speech during the Teachers’ Night held at the city gymnasium recently, the eve of the Teachers’ Day. The two activities have served as a “breather” for the busy teachers. Time for them to unwind themselves once in a while from their hectic schedules in the hinterland barangay schools and in other areas where they were assigned under the MCSDO’s jurisdiction.
The aforementioned donated lot which is also at the new reclamation area will be used for the construction of a 2-storey building that will house DepEd’s additional offices and a library hub.
A stone’s throw away from the MCSDO also stood a 2 recently inaugurated and elongated school buildings.. with a 120-meter and 4 long rooms and a 130-meter and 11 spacious rooms respectively.
When the abovementioned area was still claimed by the City Govt.for additional land, and school building constructions were still underway, the incomplete high school and the Maasin City School Division Office were just occupying a small space at the Tomas Oppus Pilot School in brgy. Mantahan.
In his speech on Teachers’ Day, OIC Assistant Superintendent Fiel Y. Almendra expressed his elation for the 2 new office buildings. Although located in treeless area, the summer heat from the sun could easily be neutralized by the refreshing air coming from the open sea.
SP Albert Esclamado, representing Governor Damian Mercado said that the provincial government was grateful for the construction of the school buildings and offices in the new wide area. He claimed its location would make the learning institution look good and conducive to the students’ learning. He also urged the teachers and mentors to devote their time in molding the students’ mind and character as this is their duties and responsibilities to the society.
City Councilor Antonio Cardoza for his part, has promised that he will file a resolution requesting the Sangguniang Panglunsod to have the road leading to the MCSDO be cemented. The roads in that area would become muddy during rainy days. Most of the motorcab drivers would decline any passenger requesting to bring them there because of this condition. “WE hope that my proposal will be approved by the body”. he said. “With a cemented road no motorcab driver would just quickly refuse to bring you here or any passenger”.
Additionally, he said he will also make a proposal to construct a 2-meter high riprap to protect their place from the onslaught of huge waves during Habagat season (southwesterly monsoon winds) and to serve as waves “breaker”.
Earlier, the blessing of the new DepEd’s office was conducted by Priest Garnett Quirong who also officiated the holding of the Mass.
Winners of the MCSD King and Queen contest during the Teachers’ Night were the following:
1) City Division King 2009-Ellan Sabandal; 2)City Division Queen 2009-Arminda T. Tagra; 3)First Runner –Up: Prince and Princess of Innovation-Leonardo Eway and Naisamarie Pusa; 4)Second Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Perseverance-Leo Gaviola and Yolanda Samaco; 5)Third Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Humanity-Fely Uy and Edna Inajenes; 6)Fourth Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Commitment-Junel Fernandez and Genelen Saligo; 7)Fifth Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Hope-Ronald Salas and Grace Orit;
8) Sixth Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Charity-Armando Pontod and Jean Solera; 9) Seventh Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Character-Ricardo Limas and Chona Aguelo; 10) Eight Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Punctuality-Raymund Lupaz and Irene Boyboy; 11) Ninth Runner-Up: Prince and Princess of Faith-
Melvin Pagangpang and Rosemary Rey.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Three Articles That Are A Must For Reading Among Parents, Language Lovers, Smokers

Jan. 29,2010
Three Articles That Are A Must For Reading Among Parents, Language Lovers And Smokers
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.
Maasin City, Southern Leyte-Reading is one of the many things that should be included in day-to-day activities of every able man in every place where newspapers, magazines or books are avialable.However; there are people who said that they don’t have time to read simply because they are busy with their jobs. But if they really want to read in the first place, we know that they can also do it, if they have the interest to get some knowledge, information and good ideas which they can apply in their lives. In fact there are many things we did not get to know and learn in school that we can gathered from reading various materials.
When I was an ICS journalism student I was instructed by my far-flung London-based instructor to set aside daily an hour or two for my home study course. One of the requirements is to read also an hour or two everyday and have a good handy dictionary for reference for unfamiliar words I’ve met in my daily reading.
I was a self-supporting student then at that time when I was working and living in Metro Manila during the past several years. I went to Manila for the sake of adventure to see the palpable physical appearance of the place which I could only see in Tagalog films in the province.
With my daily schedule of serving my employer and attending to my daily lessons, with a rest only on Sundays, I’ve always get the point to read at least one or two hours daily. At the same time referring the unfamiliar words I’ve met in my daily reading to my handy dictionary and tried to understand its different meanings. Also to recognize its part of speech and to memorize it until it will be absorbed in my mind. I was also advised to familiarize the unfamiliar words I have come to know in my reading and use it in my writing.
You see, there’s always time to read if we really want to. Time management is the only way to get to read if a person is really interest in developing the habit. If indeed you are too busy with your daily activities, the time to read is when you set back to relax. The spare time you use in your relaxation can still be utilized for reading like 2 news stories,2 opinion/editorial articles, sports news and two feature stories that drive your interest of the day. If we really find a way, whatever kind of works we have, should not serve as hindrance in acquiring important informations, applicable knowledge and getting good ideas by reading. We should not also overlook the importance of reading our very own respective languages. The reason why I cannot read is when I have a headache, not feeling well or that I happen to have a fever or a schedule for a day that “reading insertion” of any kind seems to have a no way.
The only reason why people could not have a reading activity on a daily basis is when he/she has defective eyes. Blurriness is one of the many defects of the eyes. The other is called “watery eyes”(my own term) which is the result after an individual’s reading of an article his/her eyes would produce some tears.Nevertheless, this defect can be corrected with the wearing of double vision glasses as prescribed by an ophthalmologist/optomitrist.The other defect is that when one’s eyes would get hurt and worsens its condition upon reading..
Nonetheless, for those who are gifted with good visions there’s no reason why they don’t read
as part of self-education. Those who are wearing graded-eye glasses should continue to read because learning is an endless process, unless the reading activity would still hurt his/her eyes and worsen its condition. Reading would keep us abreast with what is happening in different parts of the world. Like for instance, the discovery of new drugs or the concoction of various herbal plants as food supplement that could cure different types of illnesses including cancer, the emergence of new inventions that provide comfort to humans, a new kind of 4-wheeled spaceship that could land on wheels in other planet thru gradual descent, how the new first black President Barack Obama wriggles his way and expertise by the help of his advisers in finding solutions to some of America’s economic turmoil and other inherited problems from his predecessor.
Some people would also say: “We only watch TV and listen to various broadcasts of events throughout the world. We no longer read newspapers or magazines because we are busy.” Others would say: “We don’t buy the newspapers anymore. WE view the internet at home because we have an access to it”Well, this is not bad. However, what you get from listening to radio and viewing the TV broadcast are only sketchy reports. Some of its important details were cut off due to time constraint pose by the radio management and scheduled TV programs. While the long hours of viewing the internet where the readers eyes are exposed to bright light must be controlled by the users;/viewers themselves to protect their eyes from hurting. It would be good for computer-internet users to wear computer-fit eyeglasses or ultraviolet rays-proof graded eyeglasses for protection.
In the course of my reading, I have read several important articles including some essays, commentaries and feature stories in a newspaper or magazine. From my reading, though I’m behind from my other classmates’ reading habit of reading different kinds of books since our high school days, I would like to share with the readers 3 good articles that I have read recently. The first is about how to properly and correctly discipline the kids by their parents who should provide the lead and guidance for their growing children. The title of the article is “Ang Wastong Pagmamahal Sa Anak”written by Alberto P. Gonzales (PASUGO, November 2008, pages 23-25).Yes, an English translation for the writer’s article is necessary for other peoples of the world to understand it. This monthly religious magazine can be found in the New Era University Library, Quezon City, National Library in Manila and possibly in some big libraries in Metropolitan cities of the country.
The article is designed and intended for all the parents to read and to apply. the instruction and exhortation on what to do with their children while still in their formative years. The writer’s dissertation is based on quoted scriptural passages always emphasizing the Lord’s Words and Commandments and the indispensable need for the rod(whip)as accompanying remedial measure in disciplining the kids whose nature of stubbornness must be corrected and contained. This is the stage when parents have to start disciplining their kids, who mostly always want their own ways. Unknowing on the consequences of their unreasonable demands, which in the long run would be damaging to their character, if remain unchecked by their respective parents. A kid will always be a kid who most of them would demand something that is bad for him/her. The parents who know what is good or bad for them must not give in to the stubbornness of a child. They must explain the reason for the prohibition, which is good for him/her. Teaching them what is good and what is bad. Teaching them (the kids) what is wrong and what is right. Teaching them good Christian moral values. Always correcting and guiding their kids the right ways as they grow up in order to inculcate and embedded in their minds the wisdom that will enlighten them in every way of their lives and be a good and productive citizens.
The second is about respect and equality in the treatment of different languages in the country. It’s an essay.
One of the best essays so far concerning the treatment of languages from my years of reading. Although I’m not a consistently regular reader as compared to some of the journalists I’ve known including a classmate who is now a news editor in one of the popular Manila broadsheets. It is aptly titled “Language Respect and Equality” written by a certain Akoyako, obviously a pen name. This particular essay was sent to Sir Manuel Faelnar, Director of Defenders of Indigenous Languages in the Archipelago (DILA) and posted on Jan. 17, 2009 at past 4 p.m. at and have links to other sites like; and you can ask for a copy of his essay thru his email One of the ways to respect and equally dealt with one’s language is to use it
regularly in speaking and writing. Translation of Bisaya/Cebuano works into Tagalog must be provided. Likewise, translations of Tagalog works into Bisaya/Cebuano should also be done. Similar policy would also be applied with other languages and dialects in the country to have an understanding of their respective languages and dialects’ works. The translators who most of them are educators and linguists are advised to use the groups of peoples’ respective mother tongues the foremost, and also in Tagalog or English in their translations. The translations of works/articles must obviously be in accord with the prevailing communicative suitability of the local tongue.
There’s also an admonition to let the Tagalogs who have migrated or assigned in Mindanao or Visayas to learn the language of the locals. This should be the way in order for the Tagalog migrants to communicate understandably with the people in the areas. The Bisaya-Cebuano and other groups of people who have distinct languages of their own are likewise to do the same thing of learning the Tagalog language if they also decide to work or migrate in Metro Manila and other parts of Luzon. As a sign of respect and to cherish,sustain,nurture and patronize each nation’s distinct languages, or each group of people’s language in the Philippines, are obliged to use their respective native tongues in speaking and in writing with his/her fellow Bisaya-Cebuano,Ilonggo,Waray-waray,Bicolano,Ilocano,Zambali,Kapangpangan,Tausog,Ibanag,Chabakano,Maranaw, others. To shift also automatically to one’s second adopted language in a place where he/she has chosen to work and live permanently if talk to by his/her “second home” inhabitants.
In this respect, Binisaya/Cebuano songs should be played side by side with English and Tagalog songs during daytime just like what the FM/Am disc jockeys have been doing for several years now.Binisaya/Cebuano songs should not be relegated to be played only as opening program at dawn or during midnight when majority of the listeners are already sleeping. This apparent discrimination done by among the majority of disc jockeys in the Visayas and Mindanao of consigning our very own songs to the sideline must be stopped now. Why should most of our disc jockeys, whom I believe are most of them are Bisaya/Cebuano -speaking who also speak fluent English as one of FM’s/AM’s requirements, are only promoting and patronizing English and Tagalog songs? This is the main reason why majority of our young generations of music lovers in our places have failed to recognize and appreciate their very own songs, whether in classics, ballads, love songs, folksongs, etc.Except for the new yagayaga(humorous or antics )songs composed by some of the current bisrock bands that are being played from time to time in most of the FM stations particularly in Cebu.Why not also include some of our good original songs sung by our yesteryears popular Bisaya/Cebuano singers? Their songs are irreplaceable and timeless and are still relevant in today’s musical genre even for the younger generations of music lovers. There should be a variety of songs for the pleasure of entertainment among the radio listeners of all walks of life. This is one remedial measures that will overcome and reciprocate what is lacking to the present generations of music lovers- the point of regaining the interest of learning to embrace our local song compositions and know how to sing it with gusto and much familiarity equal to the interest that they have shown in singing many of English and Tagalog songs.
The third article is also an essay written by Mary Tyrene L. Delgado entitled “The Devil’s Breath”(Philippines Daily Inquirer’s Opinion/Youngblood section, Jan. 24,2009 issue).This is about a very serious problem, but taken lightly by generations of smokers and government leaders involving and affecting millions and millions of people throughout the world. This is the perennial and inveterate habit of smoking cigarettes done by millions of young, adult, and old people alike. This is the kind of habit which turns into an addiction hard for others to eradicate or cut off in their system. However, if a smoker really wants to cut off the habit of smoking he/she can do it. Many inveterate and chain smokers have tried it already and they were successful.
The three abovementioned articles are worthy of clear Xerox copying in much bigger letters for framing and hanging in conspicuous spaces in all private and public offices, in all schools, colleges and universities, and in all homes and residential buildings. These are for daily reading as constant guides and reminders not only among parents, language lovers or smokers but also to all kinds of peoples of the world.
Why? Simply because disciplining is not only for Filipino kids or children but also to all kids/children of the whole world regardless of their nationality or race. This is in order for them to grow up to be cooperative, respectful to elders and the rights of others, obedient to parents, law-abiding, good and productive citizens of each country. On the same vein, to form the habit of becoming language lovers is not only good and imperative for every Filipinos, but also for other groups of peoples of the world.Likewise, to quit smoking is not only good for Filipinos’ health but also for the other peoples’ health and to the health of all passive receivers of fumes
worldwide and their immediate environment, if the rest of the world’s inhabitants in the entire planet earth will also quit smoking cigarettes.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

The Editing Style That's Fair To A Writer Or Journalist

Jan. 29,2010
The Editing Style That’s Fair To A Writer Or Journalist
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-Any editor can think of his own style in editing news stories, opinion/commentary articles and feature stories. Let’s concentrate our discussions in these 3 types of articles commonly found in majority of a weekly and daily newspaper both in the provincial and the national level.
As a contributor of news stories, opinion/commentary articles and occasionally feature stories, I have some sort of experiences wherein my aforesaid articles have been subjected to heavy editing. I have fallen upon two kinds of editors-a weekly and a daily one-who would cut several paragraphs of my news stories or feature losing some facts or ideas content in it. Upon reading it in the printed edition, my interest and enthusiasm during the writing of the stories suddenly faded out and I have to stop reading my works even before I could finish it.
This was followed by another series of cutting paragraphs from some of my news stories in particular. In some occasions, it looked as if the article is no longer my own work because some sentences constructions were
already changed, conveying a twisted facts! My question is: why is it that there are editors who would re-write a contributor’s articles to the point that the writers of such articles could no longer claim ownership of their works? Is this not an injustice to those concerned writers or contributors whose presentation of works are done in various expressions of their thoughts and ideas unique in themselves? I have asked an editor of a provincial weekly in my region regarding the cutting of some paragraphs of a news or feature story. He said that it’s the work of an editor. But I disagree to his statement.
In the first place, why is it that some editors have to cut some sentences or paragraphs in some submitted articles? What is the main reason behind it? Is the editor’s cutting of some parts of an article his prerogative right? Is it an editor’s right if some facts and ideas are already lost because of his cutting style? I don’t think so.
If I were in his shoes as the editor, and has the habit of cutting some sentences and paragraphs from his contributed news or feature stories, will he still be enthusiastic to read his butchered articles on the printed or online page? I don’t think so. This is the main point when our Lord Jesus Christ uttered a command in the positive instruction: “Do unto others the things that you want them to be done unto you”. While Confucius says
it in the negative statement: “Do not do unto others the things which you do not want them to be done unto you”.
I always feel that responsible and thoughtful editors of newspapers or magazines would use their right with justice and fairness to the writers or journalists’ works. This means that he/she has to consider the style of expression of each of his writer/contributor in the presentation of their thoughts and ideas. This must be so, because different writers or journalists, each have a different way of expressing things.. Rarely could we find 2 or 3 writers who have the same style of expressing their ideas and thoughts in the English Language or in other medium. That any editor should consider these things in his/her mind before doing the actual editing for publication.
A prudent and judicious editor should also refrain from comparing writer or journalist the way he/she would write an article, because as I have said earlier, there’s always this prevailing distinction in writing style and individual expression. This, the editor must always recognize and consider.
Nevertheless, not all newspapers and magazines have the kind of editing whose style is similar to the kind of editors whose style of editing I am against with. The cutting of some sentences or paragraphs
is very frustrating and disgusting. But a writer’s frustration is put on the sideline. And his silent disgust is under control until he/she lost his/her interest to continue contributing and would rather look for another outlet somewhere else.

What They Were Doing?
Luckily, I have met the kind of editors whom I considered to be thoughtful and responsibly considerate. They always putting in mind the time and effort spent by their contributors in writing those news stories, opinion articles, or feature stories for the newspaper or magazine. What is their style in editing contributed articles from various writers? My answer is: they have only one kind of a style. That is they have employed the very basic kind of editing. What they are doing during the actual editing? Each article
Is being read to look for sentences and paragraphs that need corrections. In the entire process of editing, cutting of paragraphs is shunned.Crooked, redundant or awkward sentences were corrected. The editor may also rearranged some sentences to straighten the expressions of ideas. Wrong words, whether it is a verb, noun, adjective or adverb, if there’s any, were replaced with the correct ones. To review, the editors will re-read the edited articles, but cutting of some sentences is not applied. If in case a news story, opinion/commentary piece or a feature article would exceed its length on a designated space being provided, the editor would then change its font size just to accommodate it.
The style of these editors whom I worked with as an erstwhile correspondent/contributor to various weeklies and 2 dailies in Leyte and in Cebu is appreciable and recommendable. However, please allow me not to mention them specifically their names. What I will mention here are the names of the newspapers they were working with before during my active involvement as one of their correspondents.
Although some of them at this very moment have already resigned and perhaps worked in another publications. These are the 33-year old regional Tacloban-based weekly the Reporter with a branch office in Maasin (now defunct),Cebu-based weekly the Visayan Express(now defunct),Cebu-based daily the Freeman(now a sister company publication of the Philippine Star), a 6-year old Tacloban-based weekly Tribune, and at present another Tacloban-based daily the Leyte Samar Daily Express.
Their style of editing should serve as a good model worthy of emulation by among writers/journalists who want to become editors of newspapers and magazines. Here the writers’ and journalists’ freedom of expressions is distinctively and fairly preserved by the these editors who shun encroachment from their scribes’ way of putting their varied expressions of thought s and ideas on papers.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Young Girl Falls From Star-apple Tree

Jan. 28,2010
Young Girl Falls From Star-Apple Tree
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-Two young grader girls who were elated to see above the star-apple tree some glistening ripe fruits have agreed to pick some, but one of them accidentally fell below when her left foot unintentionally positioned upon a bristle tree branch as they started to climb down.
The victim was identified as Claire Anne Dapo, 9 years old, a grade three pupil of the Upper Villa Jacinta Elementary School in Macrohon town, about 15 kilometers away from here.
Her companion was identified as Dayanne Dagcota, 8 years old, her classmate also residing in brgy.Upper Villa Jacinta.
In an interview with LSDE she said she unwittingly positioned her left foot on a brittle tree branch and fell below hitting the ground. She said it was so painful that she shouted for help.
The victim hinted by pointing to the location of the revolving fan above her bed, which by estimate was to be more or less 8 feet from the floor when she had fallen from the tree.
She said she was only able to pick two fruits as some ripe fruits were located away from where she perched and found it hard to reach it.
She said it was her classmate who rushed to their house to inform her father Jerome Balindo, 27 years old who brought her to the herbolario (manghihilot in Cebuano).
“However, the pain did not subside so we decided to bring her to the provincial hospital to consult a doctor”, her mother Jejei Dapo, 29 years old, said. The victim’s mother also revealed that Claire is an illegitimate child, the reason why her last name was use instead of her father.
She said that they were not yet formally married in a church or court.
Jejei said Dr. Jaime Carbonilla was the on-duty Orthopedic Surgeon in the emergency room when they arrived at the hospital. She said the doctor, after her daughter was examined, brought her to the x-ray room. X-ray result showed a fractured left wrist that also swell. The victim also has a swollen left leg.
During the interview the victim who was laying on bed was taking two kinds of medicines-for swollen and for pain. According to the doctor’s estimate, the bone operation would take place within three weeks when the swell would be gone. (Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

SP Approves The Granting Of Incentives To Municipal Treasurers,Revenue Clerks

Jan. 28,2010

SP Approves The Granting Of Incentives To Municipal Treasurers, Revenue Clerks
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-The Sangguniang Panlalawigan has recently approved on its third and final reading resolution no.693-s.2009 granting incentives to all municipal treasurers and their respective revenue clerks in this province.
During the presentation of the proposal by SP Jason Calva, Chairman Committee on Finance and Appropriation, it was learned that only the municipal treasurers in the province who are going to receive such kind of incentives.
However, considering that it’s the revenue clerks who are doing the real property tax collections in various barangays of each municipality’s Agustin Escaño,Jr., Chairman Committee on Agriculture and Tourism, suggested that the incentives which depend on their tax collections target, would be shared by the revenue clerks as well.
Calva accepted Escaño’s suggestion, which in turn supported by SP Teopisto Rojas, Jr., Chairman Committee on Laws, Ways and Means, who said that its equal sharing is meritorious and justifiable.
The Chair on Finance informed that the incentives to be granted is in the amount of P1,000 per month.” This is based on the collections as set by the Dept.Of Finance”, he said.
He further reiterated that the incentives from every municipal treasurer are based on the collection efficiency rate of real property tax, not exceeding P1, 000 per month.
Calva claimed that in concrete terms, the sharing would be 40% for the municipal treasurer and 60% to be shared equally among the collectors involved. “If for instance, a certain municipality has only collected 70% of the target, not P1, 000.00, they will only receive P700.which is percentage-wise, he said.
SP Cesar Rey for his part, disclosed that when he was still a Councilor in Bontoc town, they also gave incentives to the tax collectors in the field, which had depended on the targeted per quarter collections.
Prior to the approval of the abovementioned resolution Calva also informed the august body that he had discussed it with Governor Damian Mercado and Provincial Administrator Crispin Arong, Jr. who conceded for its implementation starting the current year.
Moreover, the granting of such incentives to each municipal treasurer regarding real property tax collections was practiced already by the previous administration of third-termer Governor Rosette Yñiguez-Lerias.
However, this practice was abolished when Governor Mercado took the helm of leadership since he defeated Lerias’ daughter Dondeet in the gubernatorial race during the past national elections.
It was only last November 2009 that the revival of such practice was proposed and was approved by the members of the Provincial Board the following month of December 2009.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Eighty One TESDA Scholars Graduated AT STI

Jan. 28,2010

Eighty One TESDA Scholars Graduated At STI
By Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-A total of 81 TESDA scholars who were enrolled in 3 different courses at Systems Technology Institute (STI) have graduated after completing their required number of hours of classes.
Since STI’s rented space composed of rooms and offices at 4th floor, Oppus-Zialcita Bldg.has no enough space during the conduct of the graduation exercises, it was held instead at the Ampil Function Hall during the recent Friday morning. It was attended by all the faculty staff, CEO Nestor Sy, the School Administrator Ms.Effie Naida Sy-Visaya, TESDA Director Rolando Juanillo, office personnel and some STI students.
Faculty head Hilario Mobe informed that the TESDA scholars have taken in three different courses requiring varied length of hours for its completion.
For the Computer Hardware Servicing, he said, there were 34 students, but 2 have dropped with only one female student taking CHS.”Each student is required to attend classes for at least 18 hours every week for 20 weeks”, he said. “Since they have no more minor subjects, each of them should have an accumulative attendance of 356 hours, no less”.
For the Commercial Cooking a total of 25 students, male and female, have taken the course and all have passed, Mobe said. “They are required to take 20 hours per week for 22 weeks until they could accumulate a total of 436 hours, but one of the students dropped the course”, he said.
For Food and Beverages Services 25 students have taken it, also composed of boys and girls. They are also required to complete classes for a total of 336 hours per student. In this course no-one has dropped it. All have passed.
The STI Faculty head further disclosed that both the CHS graduates and the CC graduates have received their respective national certificates level 2.
However, for the 25 graduates of Food and Beverages Services 21 have received their national certificates and 4 for their Certificates of Competency.
When queried why the 3 students have decided to drop their courses, he confided that their training funds were insufficient for their transpiration fares and food allowance needs during schooling. Particularly since the 3 TESDA scholars’ families were low-income earners and were living very far from Maasin.
Mobe also revealed that the TESDA scholar graduates can seek employment thru TESDA’s and DOLE’s websites. They can also upload their resumes in the 2 aforesaid websites for the potential employers to view. If an applicant or applicants have meet the requirements of a company that needs some workers, the employers may send them letters instructing them to come to their offices for interviews.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

STI-Maasin Celebrated Its 26th Founding Day Anniversary

Jan. 28,2010
STI-Maasin Celebrated Its 26th Year Founding Day Anniversary
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.

Maasin City, Southern Leyte-The Systems Technology Institute (STI-Maasin) college has celebrated its 26th year founding day anniversary last year at the Provincial Capitol Playground otherwise known as the Sunken Garden. The celebration was capped with two-day sports games competitions among its students.
Two weeks prior to the culmination of the founding day anniversary, selected students-participants to different games were having their daily practice in selected venues within the city area. Like in brgys.Tagnipa, Pacu and Ibarra and were mostly done in the afternoon. Other facilitators preferred to have their practice done in the morning.
Games competitions included track and field, mind games,. basketball for boys and girls, volleyball for boys and girls, table tennis for boys (singles and doubles),table tennis for girls(singles and doubles),table tennis for mixed doubles(boys and girls),badminton for boys(single) and badminton for both boys and girls and mixed doubles.
Games winners in track and field:1)50-meter dash girls-team Tribu Blue-70 points; team Tribu Yellow-20 points;2)100-meter dash boys-team Tribu Red-40 points; team Tribu Blue-30 points; team Tribu yellow-20 points; 3)100-meter dash girls-Tribu Blue-70 points;Tribu Red-20 points; 4)200-meter dash boys-Tribu Yellow-60 points;Tribu Blue-30 points;5)400-meter relay boys-Tribu Red-50 points;Tribu Yellow-30 points; Tribu B lue-20 points; 6)400-meter dash boys-Tribu Blue-50 points; Tribu Red-30 points; Tribu Yellow-20 points.
Mind games category winners were:1)Quiz Bee-Tribu Yellow-50 points;Tribu Blue-40 points; Tribu Blue-30 points; 2)Spelling Bee-Tribu Red-50 points;Tribu Yellow-40 points; 3)Scrabble-Tribu Red-80 points;Tribu Blue-50 points; Tribu Yellow-50 points; 4)Chess-Tribu Red-60 points;Tribu Yellow-40 points;Tribu Blue-30
Points; 5) Word Factory-Tribu Rd-50 points; Tribu Yellow-40 points; Tribu Blue-30 points.
Team Tribu Blue grabbed an overall points of 1,185.Team Tribu Red bagged a total of 920 points .While team Tribu Yellow garnered 900 points.
Hilario Mobe, STI faculty head disclosed that teams first placers on all sports games competitions were awarded each with trophies. The second and third placers teams were given merits whose points will literally be added to their respective grades.
Earlier, the computer school has conducted cooking competitions at its extension campus in brgy. Nasaug, 4 kilometers away from its main school at the city proper.
The competition dubbed as “Chef Express” was participated in by 3 STI school branches of Tagbilaran, Ormoc and Maasin as the host. Each participating school was represented by 15 selected Hotel and Restaurant Services (HRS) students.
The faculty head also informed that the aforesaid competitions have two different contests. This covered table setting (all in place) and food carving (that would attract attention).
The Tagbilaran team has emerged as the winner in food carving. While Ormoc team was the winner in table setting.
Currently STI-Maasin has a total of 236 students including 84 out-of-school youth. Sir Mobe explained that the 84 dropouts were under TESDA’s PGMA scholarship program. He said that their inclusion to STI education was done through selection and recommendation of LGU officials from 18 municipalities of the province.
Courses offer at STI-Maasin are Information Technology, Computer and Electronic Technology and Hotel and Restaurant Services. However STI as a whole has expanded its network to provide education at the basic, secondary and tertiary levels. Starting with 2 schools in the 1980s, nineteen schools are now offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.STI is one of the largest networks of nursing colleges in the Philippines.
On Aug. 21, 1983,well respected entrepreneurs and friends,Augusto C. Lagman,Herman T.Gambao,Benjamin A. Santos and Edgar H. Sarte,come together to set up STI-a training center that delivers basic programming for professionals and students.
STI has also provides ICT-enhanced education to more than 100 campuses here and abroad. Its programs include courses in Information and Communication Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, Business and Management, Hotel and Restaurant Management and Education.
Before the start of the games competitions there was a motorcade. It started from the main school and moved towards brgy. Ibarra then back to brgy. Asuncion .It proceeded to the Provincial Capitol playground otherwise known as the Sunken Garden.
Chief Operation Officer Nestor M. Sy, Sr.delivered his motivational talk before the crowd of students.Ayeisa Charisse Siega, IT club President led the oath of sportsmanship. School Administrator Effie Naida Sy-Visaya handed the trophies to the teams-winners during the awarding ceremony.
STI-Maasin branch school’s founding day anniversary was inevitably moved a week later due to its conflicting schedules of scholastic activities.
Facilitators of the games were Hilario Mobe,Ayeisa Charisse Siega, Bendiamin Ausa,Mylene Malorin,Imelynne Bandibas,Edwin Balagot,Wilma Galdo, Echin Kangleon,Alberto Requiso,Mark Rey Olita,Emma Lacerna,Archel Zamora,Roylan Lobiste,Mabeth Compendio,Venus Junio and Ericca Tibajia.
(Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

Arable Lands Should Not Be Converted Into Residential Lots

Jan. 28,2010
Arable Lands Should Not Be Converted Into Residential Lots
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.
It’s good that Vice-President Noli de Castro himself has made a statement during his speech before the group of farmers in Bulacan that arable lands (public and private) should not be converted into real state or subdivision. In other way of saying it, he will not allow arable lands or agricultural lands for a real state conversion. But the strength of his speech regarding the conservation of arable lands in the country will only remain until his term and that of the Arroyo administration in 2010, unless he will run for the seat of the Presidency and win.
The fate of our agricultural lands in the country will always be under the control of whoever is the President, unless a law on the strict prohibition of arable land conversion into subdivision or real state will be enacted.
A bitter lesson has been served to all of us now-those in the government and private sector and the millions of ordinary Filipinos: that conversion of agricultural lands into residential or housing projects will surely reduced the areas needed for the planting of vast hectarages of rice,corn,fruits,vegetables rootcrops,legumes and other edible plants for human consumption. And this is of course the logical reason that with the growing number of population in the Philippines, the more our concerned govt. officials and owners of vast hectares of land should be more serious in enforcing the strict prohibition for this kind of land conversion.
On the other hand, talking on basic needs, it covers food, shelter, clothing and education.However, when we talk on what will be our priorities, mostly we would say that it is food. WE can bear with little clothes and lack of education. But when it comes to food, all of us-rich and poor-are always in need of it everyday. If we fail to eat even one day, we feel weak, lack of concentration on mental activities, could hardly sleep (hunger will always prevail over sleepiness), sluggish and other bad feelings of an empty stomach.. If the condition in the alleged “shortage of rice” will continue and its price will also continue to rise, many poor people who are jobless and landless will be forced to steal in order to eat. When food shortage will become the main issue, it will always have a heavy brunt of blame to the President’s political policies and priorities.
WE hope that Vice-President de Castro, one of the popular media personalities in the past, will put more meat to his recent speech in Bulacan in front of the farmers by advising PGMA to enjoin Congress to enact a law now that will strictly prohibit the conversion of arable lands (public and private) into a real state or housing projects whoever is the President of the Republic of the Philippines. This means that any duly- elected President who will be residing in Malacañang Palace can neither annul it, thwart it nor circumvent it by any subtle means.
WE need more agricultural lands for our food requirements so that we will not be buying rice and other agricultural products anymore to our neighboring countries and become self-sufficient in foods. Producing rice and other food products ourselves would be more resourcefully productive than relying on importation by spending millions and millions of pesos, which can be turned as our savings for other important
government projects and services.
On the other hand, there might also be other countries of the world where like the Philippines, some of their agricultural lands were converted into real state for subdivisions or housing projects. If there are countries that also consider rice as its staple food, then it would be proper for them also to enact laws that will prohibit the conversion of their agricultural lands(arable lands) into real state or housing projects. Likewise, they should also devote vast hectarages of lands to planting rice, corn, fruits, vegetables, rootcrops, legumes and other edible plants for the people’s consumption. With active monitoring and good caring of the plants’ development, boosted by the proper application of organic fertilizer and pest control, the possibility of a bountiful harvest of all these crops every reaping season will be the fruition, which will make every country become self-sufficient in food supplies. Effective applications of modern methods and techniques in the development of agriculture and fisheries sectors must be maintained and sustained by concerned public officials, farmers and the fishermen. Periodic seminars relative to agriculture and aquatic/marine development must also be conducted on an annual basis that will provide added knowledge in these fields of endeavor. Modern methods in the preservation of freshness of consumable food products for many months to avoid staleness and spoils must also be pursued, then implemented and maintained.
However, in countries where there are inherently few hectarages of arable lands with plenty of people to feed, food importation is the inevitable recourse. But for those countries that have achieved self-sufficient in foods, importation would then become unnecessary. Exportation of agricultural produce just for the sake of gain must be shunned, if by so doing, the exporting country’s inhabitants will go hungry and wanting more.
Each government of nations worldwide must first feed its respective peoples contentedly so that there will be no malnourished children and adults. Only if there’s a strong manifestation of agricultural foods surplus will a particular agricultural country dare to export its extra food stocks for profits.
(Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

Newly-Planted Trees Should Be Taken Care Of

Newly-planted Trees Should Be Taken Care Of
By Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.

Majority of the planting trees activities conducted in the various part of my province lack the necessary caring of the newly-planted trees. A big percentage of the small trees that were planted were left on their own to grow. As if planting hundreds and thousands on them on vacant lots and along the highways is the end of it all.
If those who are leading this kind of environmental protection are really very serious they should consider caring of the newly-planted trees seedlings in different places. Before conducting a tree planting as part of a city, municipal or provincial anniversary or celebration, or in support of a government’s program in the conservation of our environment, a certain group should be assigned in every area to take care of the newly-planted trees. Leaders of the Environmental Groups should instruct them to water the small trees everyday until such time that it will reach an indicative height that it can be left alone sans regular watering.
Fifty percent or even more mortality of the newly-planted trees have been discovered by the groups of environmentalists upon ocular inspections as revealed to yours truly a few years ago during an interview for an article in the progress of tree planting activities conducted in several occasions in the province of Southern Leyte.
When I was working at DENR during the previous years, contract projects in various reforestation programs in different parts of Southern Leyte have been taken care of by the contractors themselves. Once small tree seedlings were planted in large hectarage whether it were mahogany,,G-melina,lawauan,molave,narra, including mango, jackfruit trees, etcetera, contractors’ hired workers would always take care of the planted trees by watering it everyday, whenever there is no rain. However, mortality still occurred despite of the caring, but in a very low percentage compared to those trees that were just left alone after planting them.
In DENR’s reforestation projects, purchase of organic or inorganic fertilizers were inclusive for the contractors’ management application s in all of the projects involved to help make the hundreds and thousands planted small trees grow faster. Likewise, in any planting activities done by either the NGOs or a government group outside the reforestation projects of DENR, they can also use either organic or inorganic fertilizers if they have the funds. If hardly they can afford for its fertilizers’ maintenance until it will grow enough to stand on its own, then watering everyday the newly-planted small trees will be quite enough to let it grow into maturity..
By this measure, the numerous tree-planting activities done in various places of the province and in the entire country lead by either a Barangay Captain, Mayor, Governor or Congressman will not be all in vain. Their conscientious caring for the planted small tree seedlings in various annual tree-planting activities nationwide would mean additional man-made forests as potential replacements for our unimaginably colossal deforested areas. Likewise, in order to realize the environmentalists global desire and the peoples’ concern to achieve such vision, a selective log ban should be implemented by the Governments of nations where its mountains have become bald because of indiscriminate cutting of forest trees, whether legal or illegal, and that huge deforestation have also occurred.
The newly-approved Philippine law on “One Million trees” should serve as an inspiration to all earthlings and should encourage the peoples of the whole world and their respective governments and the private sectors to plant millions of trees on their vacant lots and denuded forests. If put into realization, the millions and millions of trees planted will serve as absorbers of carbon dioxide in our environment and provide us with the needed oxygen. It will also help as our protective shields in our polluted surroundings..( Quirico M. Gorpido, Jr.)

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